21 Mar Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

by Brett Millican
“Teamwork makes the dream work.” Yes, it might be one of the cheesiest cliches in existence, but it is also one of the truest. There is nothing in life that anyone has ever accomplished in his/her own. Even if it appeared to be an individual effort there is always a team of people standing backstage who have prepared the stage for that one person’s moment of success. Grandparents, parents, friends, or maybe even someone that person has never met before, it takes the work of others coming together to accomplish our dreams. I have personally known this to be the case in my football career, my ministry career, and even in my home as Melissa (my wife) and I seek to raise four amazing kids. Teamwork makes the dream work.
This reality hit me yet again as I stood next to a whiteboard with one of those smelly dry erase markers jotting down names and suggestions for our first annual gala (coming in October) that our team of Vallado Project Advocates were throwing at me faster than I could catch them. Trying to keep my hand from cramping as the ideas were pouring down in the midst of this brainstorm I was struck with this thought, “There is a group of beautiful and joy-filled children in San Luis Potosí, Mexico who desperately need our help and it is going to take a team of people to make their dream of a safe home, a loving family, and a brighter future a reality. God, thank you for raising up this team.”
We still have a long way to go to make the ideas and suggestions for the gala become an executable reality, but I must say we are off to a good start. We have a theme for the evening. We have a list of potential sponsors and corporate donors to contact. We have some decoration to fabricate, and we are still in need of 7 more Advocates to serve as table hosts. But, all-in-all this dream is coming together. And, it isn’t just the dream the Vallado children have, or the dream I have, or even the dream of the people of Mosaic Church where the Vallado Project originated. This is God’s dream for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done in the lives of those children, to see the trajectory of a generation of children altered for the better, and for whatever reason He has chosen us to make that dream work.
I am so glad I am a part of this team. I am so honored to have so many others as part of this team as well, and I know there are more people who will be joining the team in the near future. As we come together I am excited to see all that God is able to do in the lives of the Vallado children through our efforts. Now, let’s get to work Team!