09 Feb The Nostalgia Of Love
by Brett Millican
I was in Atlanta last Summer visiting my mom when my wife and I came across some old photo albums from my childhood. We thumbed through the pages laughing, telling stories, reminiscing about the “Good ‘ol Days.” The minutes quickly turned into hours and when we closed the album I remember looking at my mom with a heart of gratitude for all those great moments. You know the feeling. We call it nostalgia, that sentimental longing for the past.

I felt that same feeling as I sorted through 10 years of photos from the 30 plus trips we have taken to The Casa Vallado Children’s Home in San Luis Potosi, Mexico as we prepared for our Ten Year Celebration Luncheon back in January. I got to revisit our first trip when so many small and wide-eyed children interacting with us for the first time. I could close my eyes, as I scanned through those photos, and still feel the uncertainty and hesitancy of wondering if these kids would let us love them. I was whisked away back to our third trip when we delivered the very first Vallado Project support check to the Casa Vallado Directors. I could remember the joy I felt, and the look of relief on their faces because without that check they would have had to close the home. I found myself dancing at my computer as I thought back to the many Quinceaneras we have had the honor of celebrating with some of the girls of Casa Vallado.
Yes, I was most definitely experiencing a sentimental longing for days gone by, but I was also filled with jubilation as nearly 50 of our Vallado Project Partners gathered with me to celebrate all that God has done in the hearts and lives of these children over the past decade. Like a proud Papa whose children are being loved and celebrated I had to hold back tears as stories were shared, laughter was expressed, and love was extended to the Vallado children. It’s one thing for God to put a love for someone in your own heart, but to see that love well up in the hearts of so many others has truly been overwhelming. I want to thank you all for loving these amazing kids. Be it through financial partnership, prayer partnership, or sending encouraging messages, you are part of a team, a family, who has answered the call of God to, “care for widows and orphans,” to show them they are not forgotten, that God sees them.
As we gathered for the Ten Year Celebration I was reminded afresh of God’s heart for the Vallado children. I was reminded because I saw your heart for these children. As many of you browsed the photos on the walls, or watched the slideshow or video we showed, I could see the smiles, the looks of compassion, the love of Christ displayed on your faces and I was so encouraged. I have to admit, over ten years, there have been moments where I questioned if what we are doing really matters, if God really sees these kids. At our luncheon God answered those questions with a definitive, “yes it does, and Yes I do.” It takes a loving family to create the kind of memories that leave you longing for days gone by, and as part of the Vallado Project it is precisely that kind of family that has been ten years in the making. May we look back ten years from now with that same feeling of nostalgia. Happy 10 Year Anniversary Vallado Project! My the memories continue to flow.